Sunday 28 March 2010

Interesting Thing About Pigeon's Color

A pigeon is a beautiful bird with about 32 cm length from bill to tail and weighs about 0.35 kg. A newly hatched pigeons are called Hatchling that reach to juvenile stage through Squab, Peeper and Fledgling stages.
Pigeons can be found in 28 different color types, called morphs. White color pigeons have white feathers that actually have no color pigments. Means white color pigeons actually have NO COLOR at all.
Let me share an interesting experience with you, that is when any color pigeon's feathers are picked or plucked, the new feathers that will emerge are always white. Look at the pictures below, a black color pigeons have got new feathers in white color when some of the feathers were plucked few months before.

A gray color pigeon had light gray color Primary and Secondary feathers before, these primary and secondary feathers were plucked two months ago and now you can see new white color Primary and Secondary feathers.